Alexei Panshin’s Rite of Passage - mais uma série para se ler sobre espaçonaves e humanidade vivendo no espaço

Parece que cada vez que busco uma ideia nova para minha macrossociedade  de minha trilogia encontro obras correlatas, mas com visões diferentes daquela que busco trazer a minha literatura. Ontem mesmo estava traçando algumas linhas sobre o que quero para meu Universo literário e hoje, saltando de um link a outro, chego a esse escritor, Alexei Panshin, e sua obra Rito de Passagem (ou o Trote, em tradução livre) que já ganhou um prêmio Hugo por sua humanidade vivendo em naves e comercializando com humanos em colônias. Mais um para minha lista de leituras...

 Alexei Panshin’s Rite of Passage (Fairwood Press) is one of those books that has compulsive readability. It’s about Mia, a girl growing up on a space ship. Earth has been destroyed and the Ships, which were built to take colonies from Earth to habitable planets, now cycle between the colonies bartering information for material goods. The colonies are much more desperate and primitive than the Ships. The people on the Ships barely regard the colonists as human, and refer to them as “mudeaters.”  All fourteen-year-olds on the ships have to spend a month surviving on a colony planet as a Trial, a rite of passage, before being seen as adult. This is the story of Mia growing up and doing this, it’s also the story of her questioning the things she initially considers axiomatic about the way the universe works.

This is a book that ought to be old fashioned and isn’t.

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