Science Fiction Chronology

The prehistory of science fiction can be traced from the beginnings of literature to the development of the scientific method c. 1600:
Classical Literature
Homer mentioned mechanical servants akin to robots in The Iliad.
Lucian of Samosata (born c. 125 A.D) wrote a number of satirical dialogues based on fantastic ideas.

He was the first writer of interplanetary fiction. Icaromenippos or Journey Through the Air describes a journey to the moon with the aid of strapped-on wings. One of his more titillating passages describes the custom in which Lunar inhabitants choose to wear artificial private parts.

Thus Lucian is also the first writer to describe prosthetic limbs and cyborgs!

Other Early References
Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-55), wrote Voyage to the Moon (1657), in which a traveler fastens a quantity of small bottles filled with dew to his body. The sun sucks him up with the dew and he lands on the moon.
Science fiction as we think of it today is generally dated from the composition of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley in 1818. Her novel as well as works by Nathanial Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe emerged from the gothic strain of the Romantic as embodied by Shelley, Hawthorne, and Poe.
By the end of the 19th century, the field began to take on its modern shape with the publication of the first of the scientific romances of H. G. Wells.

Mary Shelley and the Gothic
Mary Shelley (1797-1851) was just 19 when she wrote Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus (1818) as her entry in a competition to tell ghost stories.
Frankenstein is generally recognized as the first true science fiction novel at least in part because the monster is a product of a scientific experiment gone bad. The novel combines social criticism with new scientific ideas.

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-49), a gothic writer, is considered the father of both the short story and the detective story.
His best stories are horror or detective fiction. However, he did contribute to the genre:

"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" deals with the quasi- scientific theory of mesmerism
The Narrative of A. Gordon Pym (1836)--is a novel about a sea voyage into the unknown with science fiction trappings
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-64) was a writer of gothic fantasy and also a master of the short story.
Both "The Birthmark" (1843) and "Rappaccini's Daughter" (1844) contain elements of scientific experiments; however, Hawthorne was always more concerned with guilt and innocence than with science.

Jules Verne (1828-1905), a Frenchman, was influenced by Poe in his use of scientific details and his choice of the outsider as hero. His novels are full of scientific gadgetry.
He did not invent science fiction but was the first to succeed at it commercially with novels (most of them serving as the basis of feature films, usually less than more faithful to the novel) such as

Journey to the Center of the Earth (1863; expanded, 1867)
From the Earth to the Moon (1865)
Around the Moon (1870)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870)
Robur the Conqueror (variant title, The Clipper of the Clouds) (1887)
Master of the World (1904)

Other 19th Century Authors
Edwin A. Abbott wrote Flatland (1884), about a two-dimensional society. The work is science fiction in content, but not in form, being straight expository prose.
Robert Louis Stevenson contributed to science fiction with the novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886).
Edward Bellamy (1850-98) wrote Looking Backward (1888), about a man who wakes up in the year 2000 in the Boston of the future.
In this work, Bellamy predicts future technological developments without grasping their possible social repercussions.

H. G. Wells and the Scientific Romance
Dominated by H.G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs, science fiction in the period between 1890 and 1915 is marked by examination of modern society or the urge to escape from urban culture.
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) spanned the great gulf between the mid Victorian period when he was born (in the year dynamite was invented) and the atomic age which he predicted and lived to see.
He wrote what he called "scientific romances."

Wells can be said to have invented most categories of science fiction (feature films, usually less than more faithful to the novels have been made):
time travel--The Time Machine (1895)
interplanetary travel--The First Men in the Moon (1901)
alien invasion--The War of the Worlds (1897)
future war--The World Set Free (1914)
sinister biological experiments--The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896); The Invisible Man (1897)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950), author of some 70 books, was one of the commercially successful authors of the early 20th century.
He wrote what would today be called science fantasy.

Though probably best known today as the author of Tarzan of the Apes (1912), A Princess of Mars (1912), his first published story, introduced Barsoom (Mars) and brought interplanetary adventure into science fiction to stay.

Horizontal Rule
Wells and Burroughs
Brian Aldiss describes Burroughs and Wells as representing the two opposing poles of modern fantasy:
Wells teaches us to think--he stands at the thinking pole.
Burroughs teaches us to wonder--he stands at the dreaming pole.
Mary Shelley stands at the equator between them.
According to Aldiss, at the thinking pole stand great figures.

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Na espera do dia 17 de Dezembro de 2015...

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Joe Jusko - keeping pulp alive!

Stan Lee hitting a Martian with a typewriter…

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Os 10 (ou mais) livros fundamentais de ficção científica

A ciência e  a arte se encontram em um dos mais característicos e cultuados gêneros da literatura: a ficção científica. Ao imaginar possíveis consequências do uso das descobertas científicas e das realizações tecnológicas na vida das pessoas, os autores se aventuram em empreitadas de futurologia ou de alegoria – e daí pode resultar uma previsão / descrição certa ou errada, mas que sempre diz muito sobre o imaginário de uma sociedade cada vez mais influenciada pela ciência e pela técnica.
Condensar, numa lista diminuta e arbitrária, um dos mais férteis e diversificados gêneros da literatura não é uma tarefa das mais fáceis - e me valerei aqui de alguma malandragem para criar um top 10 com mais de 10 livros.
Eis as obras fundamentais da ficção científica:

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Seis livros que acertaram previsões sobre o futuro

As previsões da literatura que viraram realidade

Muita gente se surpreende com a criatividade de alguns escritores quando o assunto é o futuro do planeta. Existem os que acham que os autores exageram. Acontece que alguns dos exercícios de futurologia mais excêntricos da literatura acabam acertando no alvo (ou perto dele). E quando isso acontece, o resultado é uma legião de leitores boquiabertos se perguntando: “como é que ele sabia?” Confira alguns exemplos.

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Falling Free

Falling Free (Queda Livre) é um romance de ficção científica escrito em 1988 pela autora norte americana Lois McMaster Bujold e vencedor do Prêmio Nebula do mesmo ano. É o quarto livro da saga Vorkosigan, mas o primeiro na escala cronológica dos livros de Bujold. O próximo livro na minha lista de leitura seria The Vor Game, o vencedor de 1991, mas como esse livro é o sexto livro da saga Vorkosigan, e como nunca tinha lido nada de Bujold, achei melhor começar lendo o primeiro livro (na escala cronológica interna) para ter uma ideia melhor do material com que iria lidar. Fiz o mesmo com Sundiver antes de ler Maré Alta Estelar, e confesso que estava cético se isso não acabaria se mostrando desnecessário ou até uma perda de tempo. Para minha surpresa Bujold revelou-se uma autora de ficção científica extremamente competente, superando em qualidade estilística e em vários outros aspectos autores como David Brin ou Kim Stanley Robinson. Antes de partir para a análise do livro, faço uma introdução sobre o universo criado por Bujold.  - Texto de Alessandro Ciapina.

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A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Esperei quase três anos para ver esse filme, devido a enxurrada de críticas que surgiram à época na rede, criticando detalhes inócuos do filme, que em nada interferiram na trama e no bom roteiro que agora posso elogiar após ver o filme fora de circuito de cinemas e trollagens da net. A história, precursora de mitos ficcionais modernos como Superman e Star Wars a primeira vista parece uma repetição do mesmo, mas lembremos: ela é de 1911, enquanto os dois sci fi novels citados aqui são de 1938 em comics e 1977 nos cinemas, respectivamente. Centenas de publicações que vieram depois da obra de Burroughs buscaram nos elementos e na essência da Space Opera do criador de Tarzan subsídios para construir a base da moderna ficção científica Pop. Arrisco dizer que Edgar Rice Burroughs é o precursor da Space Opera e da novelização como produto lucrativo que se expande além do meio em que foi originalmente criado para produzir riqueza e fama ao criador.
Um filme divertido e que merece uma chance de expansão da série. Mas, em tempos de Star Wars, fica difícil que o mesmo estúdio (Disney) lance uma sequência para concorrer com outro produto de sua autoria.
A Princess of Mars is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. It was first serialized in the pulp magazine All-Story Magazine in February-July, 1912. Full of swordplay and daring feats, the novel is considered a classic example of 20th-century pulp fiction.
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Os 10 objetos mais velozes construídos pelo Homem

Vencedor incomparável da lista, o projeto era formado por duas sondas espaciais – Helios A e Helios B – com o objetivo de estudar os processos solares. Embora ambas tenham atingido altíssimas velocidades, o recorde oficial ficou para a segunda delas, que atingiu 252.792 km/h (157.078 milhas por hora), quase 586 Bugatti Veyron
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                                                                   (Fonte da imagem: Wikimedia Commons)

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Melhor blog de ciência em português!

Para quem gosta de ciência astronômica, a mais antiga ciência humana, o blog de Salvador Nogueira é o mais indicado para quem quer ler na nossa língua nativa, o português. Segue o link para saber mais:

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Those Sexy Saucer People, by Jan Hudson. Greenleaf, 1967

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Outerspace Sex #Orgy (Illustrated Edition) by Arthur Faber. Barnaby Press, 1970

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9 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Edgar Rice Burroughs

 Nove coisas surpreendentes sobre Edgar Rice Burroughs

His name probably sounds vaguely familiar, but his influence is all around you. Burroughs, a prolific writer of the early twentieth century, is probably best known for creating Tarzan — but one of his most lasting creations, epic hero John Carter, is coming to life on the big screen in March 2012. Here are 9 things about Burroughs’ life that you’ll be surprised you didn’t already know.

Esse nome deve soar vagamente familiar para o leitor desatento, mas suas influências estão por toda parte. Edgar Rice Burroughs foi um escritor prolífico do começo do século 20, que ficou mais conhecido por ser o criador do personagem Tarzan. No entanto, isso está para mudar! Uma de suas mais famosas criações, o herói épico John Carter, ganhou vida nas telonas em março de 2012. Para acabar com essa injustiça, fizemos uma lista das 9 coisas sobre a vida de Burroughs que todo mundo deveria saber.

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Top 10 – Melhores obras de ficção científica na cultura pop

Um dos gêneros mais cultuados e apreciados da história, abrangendo desde séries televisivas, até o cinema, literatura, desenhos, games… e etc, hoje listamos as 10 maiores obras de ficção científica da cultura pop (Com algumas menções honrosas não menos importantes).

Que a lista sirva não apenas de entretenimento mas como uma série de indicações de obras indispensáveis para serem apreciadas! Espero que gostem.

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11 Steampunk Short Films That Will Rock Your World

Science Fiction is a pretty broad genre. And one of the more popular sub-genres is Steampunk. And for a sub-genre, steampunk is pretty cool. Not to mention it has a devoted fan base and its own conventions (likeConTemporal). So it's no surprise that there are a number of amateur steampunk films - and many of them have some impressive graphics. This list is dedicated to these amateur works of art, which deserve more attention among the broader Sci-Fi base. If you're interested in Steampunk, or if you just want to find out more about it, then check out these short films.
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50 ideias para universos ficcionais alternativos

Need some inspiration for an alternate history scenario? Need a point in time for your alternate timeline to diverge? Here’s a list of 50 questions to excite your imagination, invalidate your history textbooks, and infuriate your stuffy childhood history teacher.

What if…

What if Charles Darwin had sought political office?
What if the Ottoman Empire had succeeded in capturing Vienna in 1529?
What if Queen Elizabeth I had never been born?
What if King Henry VIII had been impotent?
What if the Russian “October Revolution” had failed?
What if there were no such thing as horses?
What if the US had received advanced intelligence about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
What if Boudica (Boadicea) had won the Battle of Watling Street?
What if the Vikings never went viking and just stayed at home instead?
What if Neanderthals had not become extinct?

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Palavras na ciência: quando oposição é conjunção e conjunção é oposição.


by James PaillyJames Pailly  Jul 16, 2015 

Today’s post is part of a special series that first appeared on Planet Pailly. Every Thursday, we take a look at a new and interesting scientific term to help us all expand our scientific vocabularies together. Today’s sciency words are: (...)

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Coleção Argonauta número 84- The Black Cloud (A Nuvem Negra)

Autor: Fred Hoyle
Título original: The Black Cloud
1ª Edição: 1959
Publicado na Colecção Argonauta em 1964
Capa: Lima de Freitas
Tradução: Artur Portela Filho

Súmula - foi apresentada no livro nº83 da Colecção, com a indicação de "Ler nas páginas seguintes a súmula do próximo volume da Colecção Argonauta:

Com a publicação de A Nuvem Negra, romance já traduzido em dez línguas, a editorial "Livros do Brasil" tem a honra de apresentar em Portugal um dos mais célebres - e mais - belos romances de ficção-científica.
Fred Hoyle, que além de romancista, é um dos mais notáveis astrónomos do nosso tempo, alia a uma excepcional competência científica uma imaginação verdadeiramente fértil, factores que o colocam ao nível de um Orwell, de um Wells ou de um Huxley. Mas, o que mais surpreenderá o leitor há-de ser, por certo, o alto poder satírico de Fred Hoyle e as consequências a que esse poder satírico o conduz.
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Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light Collector’s Guide on Kickstarter

This week we were contacted by  Christopher Ibbitt, who has recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to produce a printed collectors guide for Hasbro’s 1987 Visionaries Knights of the Magical Light toy line and are looking to spread the word about the project.   They have comic veteran Bob Hall working on some snazzy cover art and Hasbro has, after some coaxing, provided them with permission of use in regards to producing a publication based upon the license, so it is semiofficial!

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As was typical with many children’s properties of its time the toylines launch was accompanied by a comic and cartoon series of the same name, produced by Star Comics (an imprint of Marvel Comics) and Sunbow Productions respectively. Both of which were ultimately cancelled with the discontinuation of the toy line as a result of rising production costs.

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Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit

Parallel Man: Invasion America

Take a thrilling ride across the Multiverse with Agent Nick Morgan, a super-soldier gone rogue, as he fights to prevent the evil Ascendancy from enslaving alternate Earths! For 40 years, the Ascendancy has pillaged other worlds -- now its sights are set on us!

Along the way, Nick meets his doppelgänger from our Earth, Nicholas -- a lazy gamer/geek. Together they must fight amid parallel realities, including industrial dystopias, foreboding ice worlds, and a continent where dinosaurs evolved into humanoid warriors.

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First Look At Axanar, The Star Trek War Movie We've Waited Decades For

Star Trek fans have been curious for years about the Battle of Axanar, the decisive turning point in the war against the Klingon Empire. And now, a new unofficial movie will show what really happened at Axanar, and how Captain Garth triumphed. Here’s your first image fromStar Trek: Axanar, exclusively at io9!
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If Jurassic Park Were In Different Geological Eras

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Bioshock te coloca na pele de Jack, sobrevivente de uma queda de avião (que é a intro do jogo). Após, alcançar uma ilha, um lance de escadas o leva para uma espécie de submarino, que o leva para a cidade subaquática de Rapture. Nesta cidade, descobrimos que a descoberta de um plasmídeo chamado ADAM levou a população à loucura, inclusive deformando-os.

O maior detalhe do jogo é a ambientação. Se passando em 1960, o clima Steampunk domina a maior parte de todos os cenários, desde máquinas de música e gramofones até as próprias armas de Jack. O figurino, as propagandas espalhadas pela cidade… Tudo remete ao que seria o “futuro” idealizado pelos anos 60.

A trilha sonora  também não deixa o clima escapar. Misturando músicas da época com trilhas que realçam ainda mais o clima de suspense do jogo,

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Alexei Panshin’s Rite of Passage - mais uma série para se ler sobre espaçonaves e humanidade vivendo no espaço

Parece que cada vez que busco uma ideia nova para minha macrossociedade  de minha trilogia encontro obras correlatas, mas com visões diferentes daquela que busco trazer a minha literatura. Ontem mesmo estava traçando algumas linhas sobre o que quero para meu Universo literário e hoje, saltando de um link a outro, chego a esse escritor, Alexei Panshin, e sua obra Rito de Passagem (ou o Trote, em tradução livre) que já ganhou um prêmio Hugo por sua humanidade vivendo em naves e comercializando com humanos em colônias. Mais um para minha lista de leituras...

 Alexei Panshin’s Rite of Passage (Fairwood Press) is one of those books that has compulsive readability. It’s about Mia, a girl growing up on a space ship. Earth has been destroyed and the Ships, which were built to take colonies from Earth to habitable planets, now cycle between the colonies bartering information for material goods. The colonies are much more desperate and primitive than the Ships. The people on the Ships barely regard the colonists as human, and refer to them as “mudeaters.”  All fourteen-year-olds on the ships have to spend a month surviving on a colony planet as a Trial, a rite of passage, before being seen as adult. This is the story of Mia growing up and doing this, it’s also the story of her questioning the things she initially considers axiomatic about the way the universe works.

This is a book that ought to be old fashioned and isn’t.

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Imago - ou sobre como escrever boa literatura sobre gêneros sem cair no discurso dialético aborrecido de marxistas e feminazis

Playing Human in Octavia Butler’s Imago

Erika Nelson

This post marks my third and final visit to Octavia Butler’s Lilith’s Brood. I’ve written about colonization, desire, transformation and negotiation in Dawn and Adulthood Rites. Imago ups the ante on all these, raising questions about identity and the performed self.

The human-Oankali breeding program begun a century earlier with Lilith and the events of Dawn reaches a critical turning point in Imago. To everyone’s surprise, one of Lilith’s hybrid children enters its adolescent metamorphosis indicating that it will become ooloi, the third sex. Jodahs is the first ooloi with genes from both species. Uncontrolled, flawed ooloi have the capacity to do massive genetic damage to everything they touch, and an ooloi with a human side poses even greater danger. Lilith and her family move to the deep woods to be isolated during Jodahs’ metamorphosis, awaiting possible exile on the Oankali ship orbiting Earth. Jodahs gains the ability to regrow limbs and change shape. But without human mates it’s unable to control its changes, and there is no chance of finding human mates on Earth before being exiled. Jodahs becomes isolated and silent. Beginning to lose its sense of self, it changes erratically with the weather and environment. Aaor, Jodahs’ closest sibling, follows suit, becoming ooloi. It then transforms into a sea-slug-like creature and nearly physically dissolves in its loneliness.

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Infelizmente, para a maioria dos brasileiros essa literatura está inacessível, visto que não temos tradução para o português e não vejo interesse em um horizonte a curto prazo de editoras e "publishers" em lançar por aqui...

Quem quiser adquirir em inglês, aqui tem um link para a compra do livro:

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Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity

Erica Verrillo has written seven books and published five. She doesn't know why anyone with an ounce of self-preservation would ever want to publish. But, if you insist on selling your soul to the devil, learn how to do it right: marketing, literary agents, book contracts, book promotion, editors, rejections, pitching your book, how to get reviews, and ... most important of all ... everything she did wrong. - See more:

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The fantasy novelist's exam

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Writing Young Adult and Children's Science Fiction & Fantasy: Make the Impossible Possible

This article comes to The Purple Crayon nearly two years after it was first published in Children's Writer, but the conditions it describes still exist. The only point I want to add is to address whether or not the Harry Potter phenomenon has had an effect on children's publishers. Most will tell you that it hasn't. They either like or don't like science fiction and fantasy. Maybe so, but they are more likely to be willing to offer sizable advances for "properties" (usually presented by agents or by UK publishers) that are perceived as being potential best sellers. I've seen published reports of several in the past year, involving sales of trilogies or other small series for advances of hundreds of thousands or in one case of over a million dollars. That didn't happen before HP. Of course, for the average writer, not much has changed, but for someone who has created a truly exciting and original work, the good news is that science fiction and fantasy are now considered to be capable of reaching a wide audience.  


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Sci Fiction and Fantasy writers of América

SFWA is a professional organization for authors of science fiction, fantasy and related genres. Esteemed past members include Isaac Asimov, Anne McCaffrey, Ray Bradbury, and Andre Norton.

Link para o site da SFWA:

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O Planeta dos Macacos, de Pierre Boulle

Segue link para a resenha em vídeo do livro O Planeta dos Macacos, de Pierre Boulle, feito pela blogueira Eduarda Menezes.

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O "apocalipse" de 10 anos que inspirou Insterestellar

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Sempre fui um grande fã da história do Império Britânico, em particular do período vitoriano até fins da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Em minha obra literária, que em breve finalizarei, uso o mecanismo de realidades paralelas, onde o Império da Rainha não ruiu com o final da Grande Guerra. Hoje, descobri que não sou o único que pensa dessa forma e divulgo aqui uma síntese criada pelo autor Alfie Heugh e postada nos sites    e

I recently received an email from new SciFi Ideas subscriber Alfie Heugh detailing an interesting alternate history scenario. Alfie has created a timeline of alternate events, beginning in 1914, which sees the British Empire not only maintain its place as a world-leading superpower but also become a leader in space exploration and colonization, advancing mandkind’s technological development beyond the level we currently enjoy.

Perhaps this more properly belongs on an alternate history website – of which there are many great examples (Alternate History Weekly Update,, This Day in Alternate History; check them out if you’re interested in this kind of thing) – but I thought it would be interesting to share it here anyway and get your opinions on whether or not this chain of events is plausible.

Here’s Alfie’s alternate history timeline:

1914: Britain warns Germany not to attack Belgium or any other nation, Germany is aware and thus England never gets involved in the war, however they declare war on the Ottoman Empire, whilst signing a non-aggression pact with the rest of the central powers.
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Arqueólogos encontram ferramentas anteriores ao primeiro homem

Human evolutionary scholars have long supposed that the earliest stone tools were made by the genus Homo and that this technological development was directly linked to climate change and the spread of savannah grasslands. New fieldwork in West Turkana, Kenya, has identified evidence of much earlier hominin technological behaviour. We report the discovery of Lomekwi 3, a 3.3-million-year-old archaeological site where in situ stone artefacts occur in spatiotemporal association with Pliocene hominin fossils in a wooded palaeoenvironment. The Lomekwi 3 knappers, with a developing understanding of stone’s fracture properties, combined core reduction with battering activities. Given the implications of the Lomekwi 3 assemblage for models aiming to converge environmental change, hominin evolution and technological origins, we propose for it the name ‘Lomekwian’, which predates the Oldowan by 700,000 years and marks a new beginning to the known archaeological record.

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Cheetah robot lands the running jump

In a leap for robot development, the MIT researchers who built a robotic cheetah have now trained it to see and jump over hurdles as it runs—making this the first four-legged robot to run and jump over obstacles autonomously.
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Planetas fantasmas

Exoplanetas são aqueles mundos muito distantes, fora do nosso Sistema Solar, que giram em torno de outras estrelas no Universo, e todos estavam felizes com as várias centenas desses exoplanetas já encontrados e catalogados, conforme noticiado em vários sites especializados em astronomia ...

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Mad Max 2 - O Clássico vs. A Ópera em videoclipe de 2015!

Na esteira do lançamento dessa semana do Mad Max videoclipe, posto aqui para quem nunca viu o clássico do Max de 1981, do mesmo diretor mas sem a pressão de produtores de videoclipe e grupos de feministas pedindo mais espaço para protagonistas mulheres em um mundo violento pós-apocalíptico, esse filme do início dos anos 1980 deu mais espaço para que George Miller trabalhasse seu texto sobre o mundo pós Terceira Guerra e seus desdobramentos, além da ideia de um personagem "Sem Destino", carregado de culpa pelo que não conseguiu evitar que ocorresse no primeiro filme. Enfim, o novo filme é pura diversão, mas não existiria se não fosse essa continuação do filme distópico de 1979.

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E se o Darth Vader fosse um bom pai?

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